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Blog posts : "Uncategorized"

Dark is Dark

The only thing that compares to nights at the lake house in the country, are mornings at the lake house in the country. The sounds of nature reign over any other man made sound. The soft cries lure the soul and meditate the mind, restoring the body's natural GPS. I feel most alive and less alone. Ai…

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My Bud, Karla


I don't recall the exact year but it was around the time my family and I moved from Saugatuck Township to Douglas that I met Karla.  She had been making a name for herself at our local gym.  She had recently become certified as a personal trainer and was instrumental in my decision to become cer…

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The Beloved Disciple - Part II


Part I


Part II




She never made it in the physical beyond gestation, among the living.    This saved her much heartache and emotional pain.  Time with her family would have been cut short and she would have been emotionally broken, disconnected, lost for the remainder had she liv…

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Palm Springs, Sobriety, my BFF and Madonna

It was still early yet and midweek in beautiful Palm Springs, California. We dropped my husband off at our hotel as he wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to be anymore of a Debbie downer on the evening. The bite of cancer and subsequent surgeries to cure him left a great deal of destruction to his …

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Born from My Heart

Arriving outside Antoshka, the knot in my stomach began to untwist. The only reference I had of an orphanage was the musical Annie; this place was no set from Annie. The outside courtyard wall that surrounded the place was made of brick and mortar. In another place, in another time, and with some im…

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Oh Yeah, Happy New Year

It's been a busy one so far.  While last year was filled with highs and lows, I'm grateful for the experiences and the memories.  I'm grateful for my health and my loved ones.  I'm grateful that Greg and I were able to celebrate our marriage with all our friends and family.  While I had to say goodb…

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A Child's Christmas

Once again it’s that very special time of year;

So I send this message to all I hold dear;

In the warmth of our houses during the season so cold,

We adorn a tree with colors of red, green and gold;

We decorate our yards and houses in lights all a glow,

And we anticipate that morning we find a blan…

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Pissed On Christmas


If only he’d pissed on Christmas two years earlier, it might have helped to exstinguish the fire that spread to my bed and almost torched the back half of the trailer on lot 13 I called home. For that story and several more, you will have to wait for the book. Just know that growing up, the holi…

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Grandma Gerrans Eulogy


Naomi P. Gerrans


May 15, 1922 - December 11, 2014




I was just six years old. In first grade when my dad, just a young man himself, sat me down in my bedroom to tell me that my grandfather had passed away. It’s the first time I can recall seeing my father cry. I cried too.


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One Veteran

Today, I’m filled with gratitude and honor. As a seventeen-year-old kid, it wasn’t gratitude or honor of my country or fellow man; it wasn’t patriotism that carried me to the recruiting station on Sherman Street twenty-eight years ago. That day, I was without hope. I was lost. I was a coward and a f…

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So Long to Summer

Our Picture-Perfect Wedding

10355426_667128873336039_1593371838044210698_o“It’s oddly quiet,” he said. “Oddly? What do you mean, Mason?” I asked.  "It's just so quiet," he responded.  Thinking that he appreciated the silence, I replied, "well, we had a house full of high energy people.  There was a lot going on, it was very busy."   "I know.  I liked it.  I feel funny,"  …

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Our Vows

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Greg Harvath went first.

First, I want to thank you for inviting me to this event...

Twenty years ago we first met. You followed me, I followed you around, it really doesn't matter at this point. What really matters is how young I was.

All this time and look at what we have a…

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How Do You Facebook?

~ A fictional story.  I was inspired to write this story in hopes the question would resonate with others. So much hatred, bitterness, and just plain stupidity sometimes thrown about on social media.  Would we change or at least think before using Facebook if we knew our loved ones would one day rea…

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Judge Not


And trust your own judgment; no one's advice is more reliable.    14 Sometimes your own intuition can tell you more than seven watchman on a high tower.  15 Above all, pray to the Most High that he will show you the right thing to do.  - Ecclesiasticus 37

Not recognized by some, there is more t…

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My Rock


The phone rings, I'm working in the office so I let the answering machine pick up.  The sound of a barely audible, elderly lady begins speaking and ends asking for Greg to call her back before saying goodbye.  I learn later during dinner that it's Margo. She suffered a stroke this past year. She o…

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Dream Big and Prepare to be Blown

[caption id="attachment_460" align="aligncenter" width="700"]Dreams are Powerful Dreams are Powerful[/caption]

Letting go of the power sucks

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Yesterday I traveled to Washington to pay my respects to a dear friend and mentor. After a long day with delayed flights, I finally arrived at his home for visitation. Just as we arrived, the sky opened, the sun came through and there over the house a beautiful double rainbow.


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I woke up at the Lake House this morning, my mind very heavy.  As I sit in the quiet drinking my black brew, I reflect upon recent days.  My thoughts are scrambled over the death of a colleague, a mentor, a friend.  I pray for the family he leaves behind.  My mind still fresh with its fragmented pie…

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20 blog posts